Product Name | SensoLyte ® Green Glutaminyl Cyclase Activity Assay *Fluorimetric* | ||||||||||||||
Size | 1 kit | ||||||||||||||
Catalog # | AS-72230 | ||||||||||||||
US$ | $589 | ||||||||||||||
The SensoLyte® Green Glutaminyl Cyclase Activity Assay Kit provides a convenient, two-step homogeneous procedure for measuring enzyme activity from various sources using a green fluorescence substrate. During the first step, substrate is incubated with Glutaminyl Cyclase or enzyme-containing samples and converted into the pyroglutamate form. Secondly, glutaminyl cyclase developer is added to remove pGlu residue and generate the green fluorophore.It can be detected with excitation at 490 nm and emission at 520 nm.Produced fluorescence is proportional to the enzyme activity. This kit is ideal for high throughput screening (HTS) of glutaminyl cyclase activators and inhibitors. The long wavelength of the green fluorophore is less interfered by autofluorescence of cell components and test compounds. Assay sensitivity is 1.5 ng/mL of active enzyme. Many biologically active peptides and proteins have pyroglutamate (pGlu) as their first amino acid. This modification protects them from degradation by amino peptidases and in many cases determines functionality of protein or peptide.1-6However, pyroglutamate modification sometimes may lead tonegative side effects. For example, pGlu modified beta-amyloid peptides (pGlu-Aβ) aggregate much faster compared to non-pyroglutamic ones and form toxic oligomers that may damage neurons.7-9 Recent studies linked pGlu-Aβ to the Alzheimers Disease because it was identified as a major component of amyloid plaques.7-9 pGlu can be formed when glutamine or glutamic acid spontaneously convert into pyroglutamate. However, cyclic reaction rate is dramatically increased in the presence of Glutaminyl Cyclase (QC), also known as Glutaminyl-peptide Cyclotransferase (QPCT). Human Glutaminyl Cyclase has been isolated from nerve tissue, and detected in cerebrospinal fluid and saliva.6 RELATED PRODUCTS:pGlu-ß-Amyloid PeptidesAggreSure β-Amyloid (1-40) & (1-42) Peptidesß-Amyloid Peptides - Wide CollectionSensoLyte® Assay Kits for Alzheimer"s and Parkinson"s Disease Research SensoLyte®Amyloid Degrading Proteases Assay Kits
Anaspec阳离子抗菌肽是所有物种先天防御的重要组成部分。在许多生物中,包括真菌,昆虫,两栖动物和人类中,已经鉴定出100多种这些肽。这些疏水性和两亲性肽表现出抗生素,杀真菌,溶血,杀病毒和杀肿瘤活性。基于它们的结构特性,这些抗菌肽可分为三类:螺旋状肽,含有一个至几个二硫键的肽以及富含某些氨基酸(例如脯氨酸或色氨酸)的肽。这些肽大多数具有一些共同的特征,例如它们的低分子量(2-5 kDa),存在多个赖氨酸和精氨酸残基以及两亲性质。尽管尚不清楚它们杀死细菌的确切机制,但已表明导致膜渗透的肽-脂相互作用在其活性中起作用。抗生素肽的实例包括洋甘菊素,其由皮肤的皮肤分泌。非洲爪蟾 ; 人嗜中性粒细胞的防御素和人唾液中的组蛋白。天蚕素是由昆虫在感染条件下产生的。天蚕素A,B和D是紧密的同源物,由天蚕素蛾的35中发现的35-39个残基组成。